Eat and drink in Limburg
Taste the region
A good meal out in Limburg means enjoyment in prestigious restaurants, lively pubs, teashops and cafés. Indulge yourself in culinary sensations in one of the Michelin-starred restaurants where top chefs reign.
Regional products
Limburg is known for its asparagus and special flans, known as ‘vlaai’. But Limburg’s delicacies also extend to characteristic Limburg wine, syrup, mustard and jam. Limburg’s regional products are on the menu in many restaurants.
Plenty of choice
Apart from bistros, tea shops and cafés, international cuisine, such as Chinese, Japanese, Greek, Italian, French and Spanish food is also present. Just want a quick bite? There are plenty of fast food options too. For desert an authentic ice cream from a real ice cream parlour is a tasty choice.
Stop for a drink
Limburg has many cafés and beer gardens. Enjoying a cold beer, a good glass of wine or a cup of coffee with a slice of Limburg’s ‘vlaai’ (flan) is all part of the exuberant lifestyle. Lounging beside the water is another option.
Out to eat
Choose à la carte or go for the all-you-can-eat concept. If you prefer a mixture of savoury and sweet delicacies, go and have afternoon tea, or ‘high tea’, as it is called here. Children who love pancakes, pizza or chips will find plenty of choice too.